Analysis, counseling, support and  follow–up for  companies and individuals

Image d'un lac avec des montagnes

“Self-evident beliefs are prisons for the mind
and their gates are padlocked by our habits.”

80% of the problems that monopolise our energy and the difficulties that prevent us from acting, do not exist or are not as we perceive them. What hinders us from seeing a problem clearly and quickly finding constructive and efficient solutions is our closeness to… ourselves.

If we could look at ourselves through someone else’s eyes, we would be able to free ourselves from the limitations imposed by our beliefs. Beliefs being by definition what we believe, we are not able to analyse or identify them ourselves.

The process of analysing, reframing and elaborating new strategies can be achieved in 1 to 5 sessions.

Strategies for success

Individual coaching, family coaching and professional coaching aim to help individuals or groups reach their objectives, through a process of reframing and joint reflection to discover new perspectives.

Through individual consultations, the participant discovers new strategies for success which help them rethink their projects and relationships in a constructive and innovative manner, whether it be finding a job, conflict management, realising new projects or setting up a company.

  • Managing changes
  • Rethinking challenges thanks to new points of reference
  • Getting up after a defeat and setting off towards new horizons
  • Becoming self-reliant, overcoming the fear of judgement
  • Leaving behind the prison of self-evident beliefs and the vicious circle of what-ifs

Objectives:  to consider professional and personal problems from multiple angles, thanks to an innovative and targeted approach; to reframe the perception and the interpretation of problematic situations or conflicts in order to devise efficient strategies for success for individuals, families or groups.

Job hunting and professional communication

  • Professional orientation
  • Searching for a job. Finding your footing on the labour market
  • Mobbing: preventing and managing conflicts
  • Deconstructing fear and dispersing stress
  • Motivating co-workers, handling conflicts and creating a positive atmosphere
  • Daring to be yourself: the irresistible charm of spontaneity
  • To persuade you need to be persuaded
  • Becoming self-reliant, overcoming the fear of judgement


  • Feeling and being at ease in social and professional interactions.
  • Discovering your qualities and knowing how to value them.
  • Developing efficient strategies for job searching.
  • Communicating in a positive and relaxed manner in your private and professional life.
  • The analysis and the elaboration of new strategies that will lead the student to new perspectives require up to 10 sessions.

Rates :
Individual session: fr. 180.- per hour

Ecole Varadi English Logo


Route de Malagnou 2
1208 Geneva, Switzerland

Flexible schedule
from 7am to 10pm
7 days a week